Our Prayer
Our Anthem, Our Creed
Our Father, our King
we thank and praise you, Your holiness is evident and moves us to worship you. Prepare us this day, battle ready.
Prepare the earth For our willing hands and footsteps, Bless the feet of the bearers of the word.
Bless this land with the fullness of your salvation, From the lowest to the highest, From those lost in darkness to those walking in the full light of day.
May we look more like you. In unison we break down strongholds May we bear your reflection.
We embrace the power of Jesus and his blood Which frees us from all sin. We move outward from this foundation.
Send us into the darkness that we may bring the light of Jesus.
Drinking from the same cup, We are commissioned to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, Give sight to the blind and legs to the lame, and to set the captive free.
May we move with audacious love into the frontier places.
Use us to bring redemption as the ruins are being restored.
We believe, have faith, and have seen your power and glory.
We love because you love.
We give because you give.
We move because you move.
We go because you go.
We will go out with joy and be led forth in peace.
We go with hope, passion, and desire as you ignite the nations.