Amy & Joy Duncan
Director/Safe Home Land
I am a mother, a sister, a friend, an auntie, a daughter, a leader, a coworker. Born and raised in Indiana, I have had a love for the nations from a young age. I have visited more than 20 countries and have become captivated at the uniqueness that each culture holds. In my travels, I have been forever changed through encounters with the motherless and fatherless, the abandoned, the “forgotten”, the “unwanted”, the overcrowded orphanages. I believe that we were originally designed for family and that each child deserves to be in a family, whatever the definition may be.
I have been serving/volunteering in Thailand with Outpour since 2012. I, along with my team, have been working towards seeing children know WHO and WHOSE they are in Christ as they enter into safe, loving spaces. We are continuing to further relationships with different Thai governing authorities in order to see children legally restored to family and family legally restored to children. A couple of my anthems are James 1:27 and Isaiah 61.
Give by Mail
Make checks payable to The Cause and include Outpour - Amy Duncan in the memo.
4225 Oceanside Blvd
Suite H-325
Oceanside, CA 92056
“Safe Home Ready” Land Campaign
Help us restore children to family and family to children through supporting our safe home land campaign