Safe Home Land

Join our current Safe Home Land campaign


“Safe Home Ready” Land Campaign


Our land will be a safe space that legally and lovingly protects and advocates for the best interests of vulnerable and at risk children (0-18). Providing loving foster families, education, training, legal identification, as well as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual support, the end goal is to see these children reunited with or legally placed in their forever families.


Refuge Youth Home

"Refuge Youth Home" is a family style home for middle and high school age youth ages 10-19, run by Hebrew and his wife Hser Ne Gay along with their three little girls. Outpour partnered spiritually with Hebrew in 2008 to build and develop a children's home to welcome children who were coming from desperate situations in conflict zones in Burma/Myanmar.

"These are youth who have experienced firsthand the tragedy and chaos of racism and war. The Father is restoring them to be the change their country needs."

As Refuge transitions into more safe homes, these spaces will..

  • Equip youth with education and training to go back to poverty-stricken and war-torn areas in Burma to help their people

  • Model Godly family, love, and values

  • Obtain proper documentation for all who come into our care

  • Establish a safe, nurturing environment

  • Restore children to family and family to children


The heart of this ministry is to see lives rooted in their identity as sons and daughters of Papa God. From the newborn to the teenager, our desire is to see their roots grow deep in courage, trust, and the hope of Jesus—so as they are adopted into or return home to their families, they carry the keys to see their households, cities, and nations transformed.